Dental Restorations

Dental Restorations for Kids

The type of dental restorations we use most frequently are tooth-colored fillings and crowns. Both methods can protect and repair your child’s teeth.


Fillings are typically used as a remedy for tooth decay. Some children are prone to cavities, which can lead to toothaches and other dental problems. Our pediatric dentists repair your child’s tooth by using a tooth-colored filling to restore the affected area.

Dental Crowns

A dental crown is a tooth-shaped cap, which is bonded to the tooth to restore the tooth’s appearance, shape and function. In situations where a dental filling may cause additional damage or your child has severely cracked/damaged a tooth, a dental crown may be a good option for protecting your little one’s smile.

Benefits of Restorations

  • Strengthens the affected tooth

  • Restores the effected tooth’s shape, appearance, size and function

  • Allows for proper speech development

  • Improves chewing ability

  • Prevents spread of decay and infection in the mouth

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